Dr. Severin Collagen Hyaluronic Serum [Review]
Product description: “Dr. Severin anti-aging serums with hyaluronic acid, collagen and retinol gives you young and nourished skin. Perfect protection against dry skin and wrinkles. Two of the most popular agents against the external signs of aging of the skin are collagen and hyaluron. Hyaluron act as a natural moisturizing agent for your skin while Collagen provides a protective barrier film on the skin. Collagen also improves water-binding capacity. Vegetable betaine and glycerin for an enhanced moisture boost and gives immediate freshness on the skin. Also suitable for sensitive and mature skin.” Produktbeschreibung: “Dr. Severin Anti-Aging-Seren mit Hyaluronsäure, Kollagen und Retinol geben Ihnen eine junge und gepflegte Haut. Perfekter Schutz…
Oliveda Naturliche Olivenkosmetik [Review]
“Oliveda first product was developed in 2001 in a tree house in Andalusia. They replace the 70% water phase in cosmetics with the cell sap of olive leaves (note, not oily!). The cell sap protects the tree and allows it to be up to 4000 years old with full vitality!” “Oliveda erstes Produkt wurde 2001 in einem Baumhaus in Andalusien entwickelt.Weltweit einzigartig, ersetzen Oliveda die 70%ige Wasserphase in Kosmetik mit dem Zellsaft der Olivenblätter (Achtung, nicht ölig!).Der Zellsaft schützt den Baum und lässt ihn bei vollster Vitalität bis zu 4000 Jahre alt werden!” Oliveda F18 Rejuvenating Black Olive Face Mask: Oliveda Black Olive Face Mask comes in a brownish glass…